Raise the Bar - Chat with Viki from Gerties
Image description: White circle with black outline and text on a background of blue and green northern lights. Text: Raise the Bar Dawson. A Safe Night Out For Everyone. 24 Hour Support - 867.993.5086
Dawson Women's Shelter is challenging all bar and restaurant staff in Dawson to participate in our Raise the Bar Workshops this summer to prevent sexual violence.
Chats with Viki
If you missed Crickett’s chat with Viki Paulins, General Manager of Diamond Tooth Gerties, you can check it out here:
Sign Me UP!
Work at a bar or restaurant? Want to get trained in bystander intervention?
Ask your manager to invite DWS to your workplace! Connect with Crickett - crickett@dawsonwomensshelter.com or 867.993.5086.
Sign-up for a workshop open to restaurant and bar workers in Dawson here.
More Learning!
Get resources on bystander intervention all over DWS’ website!
DWS has got your back, whether it’s inviting us to do a bystander intervention workshop for your group or calling our 24 hour support line to chat about intervention skills!
May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month
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